School Exclusions
Exclusion From School
To protect all children from communicable illnesses, the school administrator/principal shall exclude from attendance any child having or suspected of having a contagious condition. Exclusion shall continue until the readmission criteria for the conditions are met 25 TAC 97.7 (a).
The guidelines below have been developed for the exclusion of students who have or are suspected of having a contagious illness. These regulations are in conformance with the Texas Department of State Health Services and the Centers for Disease Control.
Sickness Exclusion
GISD follows the Texas Department of Health Guidelines for illness-related exclusions from school. A student will be sent home if they have a fever of 100.0 Fahrenheit or above or any other contagious symptoms (vomiting, diarrhea, rash, etc.) and will need to remain home until symptom-free for twenty-four (24) hours, without the use of medication. If it is determined that the child should go home, the staff will contact the parent/guardian. A listed emergency contact will be contacted if the parent/guardian cannot be reached. When it is determined that the student must go home due to a non-emergent illness/injury, it is the expectation that the student be picked up within the hour of parent/guardian/emergency contact being contacted. For our older students able to drive, parent permission must be obtained via email or fax after contact with the campus clinic before a student is allowed to drive home.
If the doctor prescribes your child antibiotics, he/she must be on the antibiotic for 24 hours before returning to school.
These guidelines are followed to prevent the spread of illness to other students.
The school administrator/principal, nurse, or designee will notify the student's parents or guardian that the student is to be excluded for health reasons.
It is the responsibility of the parent or guardian to transport the student from school to his/her home or physician.