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Parent Information

Georgetown ISD's online parent portal is available to all parents and students: 

Skyward Family & Student Access

Skyward Family Access provides parents and students secure online access to student schedules, attendance, food service balances & payments, grades, and more! The following help documents are available for parents.

Q: Where can I find information on my child's bus route and schedule or SMART Tag information?
A: Visit the transportation department for more information. 

Q: I'd like to volunteer at my child's school. What is the process for signing up?
A: All volunteers must register through the district's MVPS system, which includes a background check. Most volunteers receive approval in minutes. Learn more about opportunities to volunteer and mentor and how to register online. 

Q: I need to make an online payment for extra-curricular activities. Where can I make that payment?
A: Visit our RevTrak system for online payment. 

Q: Where can I find information on the Off-Campus PE (OCPE) waiver?
A: The OCPE Program allows students in grades 6-12 to earn credits that meet the district and state physical education requirements. Only agencies who have been trained and approved by GISD can provide OCPE credit. You can find more information on the counseling section of our website

Q: Where can I find information about the Standards Based Report Card?
A: Visit our Standards Based Report Card information for Prekindergarten, Kindergarten, First Grade and Second Grade for more information and sample report cards, report card infographic, report card FAQ, and a powerpoint presentation.

Q: Where can I find information about GISD's curriculum?
A: We have curriculum information for parents available in the Teaching and Learning section of our website.